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Shutting down the Contribute Feature for Google Translate

23 / 4 / 2024

Google has recently announced the discontinuation of the Contribute feature for Google Translate, a tool that allowed users to suggest translations to improve the platform's quality. This decision comes as Google Translate has made significant advancements in recent years, largely attributed to the evolution of its underlying systems.

Launched in 2014, the Contribute feature aimed to harness the expertise of language enthusiasts and native speakers to enhance translations across the 80 languages supported by Google Translate.


It provided a platform for users to suggest new translations, rate existing ones, and offer optimization feedback. Initially hailed as an innovative way to engage users and leverage collective language knowledge globally, the feature’s relevance diminished as Google Translate evolved.

According to Google, with the development of machine learning techniques like neural machine translation, Google Translate achieved higher accuracy and fluency in translations, reducing the need for user contributions. Google now relies on these technological advancements to maintain translation quality, aiming to sustain it through continued advancements in machine learning.

By phasing out the Contribute feature, Google aims to streamline its translation process while ensuring high-quality translations. This move reflects the evolving landscape of translation technology, emphasizing the role of machine learning in enhancing translation services and showing the way the art of translation is heading.

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