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Legal Protection for Trademark and Utility Model in Eurasia

8 / 7 / 2024

The Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) is considering introducing a regional Unified Eurasian Trademark and a regional Utility Model for Eurasia, so as to boost exports and economic integration and cooperation within the Eurasian region. This was announced on 26 of June 2024 at a session of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum by Grigory Ivliev, President of the EAPO.


The President pointed out that recent challenges for the entrepreneurs, such as unilateral measures and restructuring of business activities, have underscored the value of Eurasian economic integration. Expanding the Eurasian patent system and introducing new regional IP forms, such as trademarks and utility models, are essential for providing entrepreneurs with the necessary tools to operate in the Eurasian region.

Introducing new IP forms for Eurasia is anticipated against such a background that the total volume of utility model patents in force in the world increased by more than 16% and reached more than 11 million in 2022.

Session attendees, including heads of national patent offices in the Eurasian region, attorneys and academics, supported the introduction of new regional IP forms. They underlined the importance of overcoming territorial limitations to enhance the free movement of goods and services. Speakers emphasized the benefits of a unified system for trademarks and utility models in facilitating market access and boosting trade.

Overall, the participants agreed that the demand from businesses for new regional IP forms is high, and that integrating IP laws in the Eurasian space could stabilize and promote economic growth in the region for mutual benefit.

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