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UK IPO’s ‘One IPO’ Platform: A New Era in Digital Patent Filing

21 / 8 / 2024

The UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has recently taken a significant step forward with the launch of its 'One IPO' digital service. This marks a pivotal moment in the IPO's broader transformation initiative, which aims to create a unified platform for managing all UK intellectual property rights.

The new service offers several key advantages for patent applicants, including online portfolio management, a more flexible application process, and collaboration tools.


Additionally, the IPO has implemented a range of improvements to streamline the application process, including real-time feedback on formatting issues and data reuse.

The IPO isn’t just updating its interface; it’s also using AI to revolutionize how applications are handled. They’ve introduced a system that assigns applications to examiners almost instantly, a far cry from the usual 14-day wait.

Right now, they’re testing this new service with a select group, fine-tuning everything before it goes live for everyone in early 2025. But this is just the start. The IPO has plans to roll out similar digital services for trademarks, designs, and even tribunal cases by 2026.

There’s more to come, like integrating APIs. This means you’ll soon be able to connect directly with the IPO through your existing IP management software, making your job even easier.

In light of these advancements, it’s clear that navigating the new digital landscape of the UK IPO’s ‘One IPO’ platform requires not just understanding but expertise. Whether you’re looking to file a new patent or manage your existing portfolio, our team is equipped to provide seamless support, leveraging the full potential of ‘One IPO’ to safeguard and advance your intellectual property rights in the UK.


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