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The time limit for filing oppositions to the issuance of EA patents has been increased

5 / 1 / 2024

From January 1, 2024, based on the results of the meeting of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization, additions and amendments to the Patent Regulations under the Eurasian Patent Convention came into force.


One of the key decisions of the meeting is that the period for filing oppositions to the issuance of Eurasian patents for inventions and industrial designs under the administrative invalidating procedure has been increased from 9 months to 3 years. This measure will allow additional time for third parties to challenge a Eurasian patent under the centralized administrative invalidating procedure and ensure more uniform dispute resolution practices.

The time limits for filing oppositions are counted from the publication date of information on the issuance of a Eurasian patent for an invention or a Eurasian patent for an industrial design, respectively.

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