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The Eurasian Patent Office increases the official fees on January 1, 2024

19 / 1 / 2024

The Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization has approved amendments to the Statute on Fees of the Eurasian Patent Office. These amendments affect applications and patents for inventions and industrial designs.

The amendments will result in a 20-25% increase of the official fees for various actions:


— filing a Eurasian application;

— substantive examination of the Eurasian application;

— making additions, clarifications, corrections and amendments;

— granting a Eurasian patent,

— filing Appeals against the Eurasian Office Decisions;

— transfer of the right to a Eurasian application or a Eurasian patent;

— extension of missed term limits and restoration of rights.

Furthermore, the official fees for industrial designs will be also increased by 20-25% for  actions including:

— filing and considering a Eurasian industrial design application;

— registration of an industrial design;

— publication of information on the Eurasian patent grant;

— granting a Eurasian patent.

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