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EPO and Boeing Collaborate on Quality Improvement

8 / 8 / 2024

On June 18, 2024, the European Patent Office (EPO) held a significant videoconference with Boeing's Intellectual Property team as part of its Quality Action Plan initiative. This meeting is one of 50 user engagements planned for 2024, highlighting the EPO's dedication to enhancing communication with its users and gathering insights to improve its processes.

Key Discussion Points:


Patent Quality Assurance: The meeting focused on the EPO’s essential role in ensuring high-quality and enforceable patents, aligning with its efforts to maintain rigorous standards in patent examination and grant procedures.

Examination Consistency: Participants discussed the uniformity of examination approaches across different divisions, emphasizing the need for consistent application of patentability criteria.

Search Quality and Timeliness: Boeing praised the EPO’s search processes, noting the importance of thorough and timely prior art searches in the patent prosecution process.

Boeing’s Patent Activity and Profile:

Boeing is a leading patent applicant, ranking 74th in the EPO Patent Index 2023. They filed 318 patent applications in 2023, with a focus on commercial aviation, defense products, and space systems. With a global reach of over 150 countries and a workforce of approximately 170,000 employees, Boeing is a significant player in the innovation landscape.

In summary, the high-level engagement between the EPO and Boeing exemplifies the evolving dynamics in the intellectual property landscape. As patent offices continue to refine their processes and major innovators seek to optimize their IP strategies, the role of experienced IP professionals becomes increasingly crucial.

The right IP professional can help navigate these trends, adapt strategies in real-time, and effectively engage with patent offices. In today’s competitive global market, staying ahead requires proactive IP management and reliable advice when it matters most.

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