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Current Development Program in EAPO

11 / 7 / 2024

More than a year has passed since the adoption of the Development Program of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) for 2023-2028. This document aims to improve the patent system and strengthen integration in intellectual property across the Eurasian region.


The program sets forth several key priorities:

  • Elevating the quality of services and products by enhancing the quality management system and broadening the scope of user feedback.
  • Establishing a unified Eurasian information and examination space to streamline approaches and boost efficiency.
  • Implementing digital transformations to enhance accessibility, lower costs, and heighten efficiency.
  • Expanding protection to include trademarks and utility models, alongside inventions and industrial designs.
  • Amplifying the EAPO’s regional and international stature through partnerships with national offices and global organizations.
  • Creating a cohesive Eurasian dispute resolution framework for addressing patent disputes and infringements.
  • Enlarging the Eurasian Pharmaceutical Register to potentially include national patents and grant it official recognition.
  • Augmenting educational collaborations with technoparks to develop intellectual property expertise.

Overall the program underscores the EAPO’s commitment to modernizing its IT infrastructure, enhancing examination quality, and expanding services to meet the evolving needs of its users. By harmonizing procedures across member states and promoting integration within the Eurasian space, the EAPO aims to become a leading force in intellectual property protection, fostering innovation and economic growth within both the Eurasian region and the global community.

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