Assembly of Eurasian Patent Attorneys: A Boost for Development
On June 13-14, Minsk, Belarus, hosted the first international scientific and practical conference of the Assembly of Eurasian Patent Attorneys (AEPA). This public organization was established last year to support the professional community. Over 90 participants from seven Eurasian countries attended the AEPA conference.
The conference program included seven presentation sections on important topics related to Eurasian patent legislation, with 26 in-person and online speakers:

WIPO's Insightful Analysis on Generative Artificial Intelligence Patent Trends
The world is witnessing a technological surge in Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), and a new report by WIPO provides compelling evidence of this revolution. The "Patent Landscape Report: Generative Artificial Intelligence" reveals how GenAI is revolutionizing technology and industry, capturing global attention with its potential to transform sectors ranging from healthcare to manufacturing.
Key takeaways from the report include: