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Celebrating 30 Years of the Eurasian Patent Organization: A Milestone in Regional Innovation

2 / 8 / 2024

On July 11, a commemorative meeting was held at WIPO headquarters in Geneva to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO). Since the Eurasian Patent Convention was signed in 1994, the EAPO has played a crucial role in advancing patent legislation in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).


The EAPO’s establishment followed the breakup of the Soviet Union, aiming to create a regional patent system similar to Europe’s. Supported by WIPO, the Eurasian Convention has stood the test of time, becoming a cornerstone for economic expansion in Eurasia.

Throughout its 30-year history, the EAPO has boosted collaboration among member states in economic, scientific, and technological fields. It functions as an ISA and IPEA under the PCT and is part of the PPH program, processing patent applications from the European Patent Office and countries like China, Japan, and South Korea.

Recent developments include a protocol for industrial design protection, effective since 2021, and plans for the EAPO to join the Hague system. The organization is also working towards agreements on Eurasian utility models and trademarks.

Future plans for the EAPO are robust, with initiatives such as a centralized patent information database, full digitalization of services, and improvements to the Eurasian dispute resolution system. Educational outreach will expand through the IP commercialization and technology transfer centers in technoparks.

The EAPO remains dedicated to integrating diverse IP systems under one umbrella, consistently promoting innovation and economic growth across Eurasia.

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