Our team

Our management team

At Front Page IP, our management team is composed of highly experienced and dedicated professionals who are committed to delivering exceptional service and solutions to our clients. With a deep understanding of the complexities of intellectual property and a passion for innovation, our team is always ready to tackle any challenge and provide effective solutions tailored to your needs.

Meet the leaders who drive our success and are ready to help you achieve your intellectual property goals:

Leonids BorodulinsManaging Partner, Patent Specialist

Julia MalininaRegional Director (Eurasia)

Pier Luigi De AnnaRegional Director (Europe)

Anna Scherbinina — Head of Translations

Polina RotgoltsHead of Designs and Trademarks

Natalia SharatunovaPatent Attorney, Head of Chemistry Department

Alexandra ZolotovaPatent Attorney, Head of Biology Department

Sergey Sokolov Patent Attorney, Head of Mechanical Department 

Maria Pyzhyanova — Senior Case Coordinator

Gordon Kit Head of Counsel