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USPTO Updates Eligibility Guidance for AI Inventions

14 / 8 / 2024

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has released updated Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance specifically addressing artificial intelligence (AI) inventions. This new guidance aims to provide more clarity and certainty for patent examiners and applicants dealing with AI-related patent applications.

Key updates include:
• Three new detailed examples using hypothetical claims
• Clarification on evaluating abstract ideas in AI inventions
• Guidance on assessing improvements in AI technology
• Examples from recent court cases to illustrate eligibility concepts


For AI inventors and patent practitioners, the updated guidance offers a clearer framework for determining the patentability of AI inventions. It may lead to more consistent examination and potentially increase the chances of obtaining patents for AI-related technologies.

So, what do AI inventors and patent practitioners need to keep in mind as the AI patent application landscape evolves?

  • Focus on demonstrating practical applications of AI inventions
  • Clearly articulate technological improvements provided by the AI invention
  • Use language and claim structures similar to the provided eligible examples
  • Be prepared to distinguish the invention from abstract ideas or mere mathematical concepts

From a practical standpoint, this update is viewed as a positive step in clarifying the patentability of AI inventions. We encourage clients to familiarize themselves with the new guidance and take advantage of its insights when preparing AI-related patent applications. Whether working independently or with assistance, understanding these updates is crucial for navigating the evolving AI patent application landscape.

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